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Exercises to combine with the Go-Tryke bike

In this section you will find some exercises. Some of them have been developed based on videos found on YouTube. Other exercises are done using purchased, modified, or built euipment. All these exercises have been developed by GBY SA, if they are combined with regular use of the Go-Tryke, they will be the icing on the cake.


Why exercising? To strengthen what is still working, progress on what is working a little and make you move (stimulate?) what is no longer working! Movement is life. You will see other progresses such as: no more (few) bedsores, better digestion, less medication, better sleep, more strength and endurance, better mood, etc.


Customize the exercises with the help of a competent person!


The exercises offered are a sharing of experience that you are free to apply in the form presented or in a form adapted to your needs. In any case, the practice of these exercises, adapted or not, is done under your sole and entire responsibility.

Your health, our goal


Motor skills and dexterity


Stimulate working muscles


Skin nerve stimulation


Improving Wheelchair Transfers


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Maintenance and stimulation of the legs



Maintain, stimulate and develop both motor skills/dexterity and hand strength to perform daily tasks as well as possible.

Initial situation

The day after my accident, the use of my hands was very limited: both hands were inert. After 8.5 months of therapy in the hospital, I could again use my hands with little dexterity and very little strength.

Progress made

At home I started to do the exercises described in the videos below which allowed me to improve my daily tasks, such as opening a bottle, getting dressed, using a computer keyboard, lifting a book,…

Download and print the sheet below to help you with your personal exercises (for strength and dexterity).

Motor skills-dexterity




Stimulate and build muscles that are still working.

Initial situation

When I left the hospital, I had no functioning muscles in my trunk.

Progress made

With the help of the exercises below, a few core muscles have "woken up" and I can, for example, sit on the edge of my bed and put on my socks.

Exercises with a chair



Maintain and stimulate the legs.

Initial situation

When I left the hospital, I vaguely felt a few places on my legs.

Progress made

It's hard to talk about progress... I "feel" my legs better, more evenly.

Download and print the sheet below to help you with your personal exercises (for strength and dexterity).

Exercises with a ladder



Stimulation of skin nerves and muscles through self-massage.

Initial situation

I have areas of skin that are more sensitive than others.
We must regularly check the condition of the skin in order to act quickly in case of injury, strain, etc.

Progress made

Improved, even skin feel all over the body.
Sitting up in bed massaging yourself, moving those legs, etc. we maintain a certain joint flexibility, which is not really a progress but rather a physical maintenance.

Self-massage exercises



Transfer from a wheelchair

Initial situation

I am confronted every day with making transfers from the wheelchair to: bed, car, sofa, etc.

Progress made

Better stability and support

Download and print the sheet below to help you with your personal exercises (for strength and dexterity).

Transfer exercises





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