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From athlete to disabled person, to businessman.

From the accident, through the first prototype made in a storage, to the creation of the GBY SA company with its mass production, you are in the right place to find out about our incredible story.

If you are on this page, don't hesitate to come and visit us at our premises. It's always a pleasure to share and exchange with new people. 


Creation of GBY SA


Incomplete tetraplegic C6-C7


Combine sport, health and rehabilitation with the right movement

Accident de VTT de Sebastian Tobler 2013 - GBY SWISS

31.07.2013, Sebastian falls while mountain biking. Medical diagnosis: incomplete quadriplegic, C6-C7.


2013 premier projet étudiant d'un handbike pour Sebastian Tobler - GBY SWISS

6 weeks after the accident, the first project work was given to the students.


Premier dessin du prototype du Go-Tryke - GBY SWISS

First drawings of prototype 1 of the arm and leg adapted bike, by Sebastian

35 heures d'entraînement d'un tétraplégique incomplet - GBY SWISS

Beginning of an exploratory and intensive training of 6 days out of 7. That is more than 35 hours per week.



Premiers tours de roues du prototype Go-Tryke - GBY SWISS

First laps of the PRM bike prototype. 

FES pour le vélo adapté Go-Tryke avec la BFH-TI - GBY SWISS

Start of the on-board electrical stimulation (FES) project with Professor Dr. Kenneth Hunt of BFH-Ti



Création de l'entreprise GBY SA - GBY SWISS

Creation of the start-up GBY (Go-By-Yourself)

Stage d'entraînement intensif aux Etats-Unis de Sebastian Tobler - GBY SWISS

2-week intensive rehabilitation training course in the US


Création de la Start-Up GBY SA à Vuisternens-en-Ogoz - GBY SWISS

Development in Vuisternens-en-Ogoz, with Chang-Ho, first engineer collaborator

Etude Stimo avec Grégoire Courtine et Jocelyne Bloch de Sebastian Tobler - GBY SWISS

Start in the "stimo" study (internal implantation of electrical stimulation of the nerves of the spinal cord) for Sebastian as a patient, with Prof. Dr Jocelyne Bloch and Grégoire Courtine



Premiers tests de la pré-série du Go-Tryke - GBY SWISS

GBY test of the use of the arms and legs bike on 6 people for 6 weeks. At the end of the test, 5 people buy a Go-Tryke bike!

Ouverture du téléjournal de la RTS - GBY SWISS

The French-speaking Swiss television RTS opens the news at GBY with 7:30 p.m. live.


Début des ventes de la première série de Go-Tryke - GBY SWISS

Start of sales of the first series of 50 "Go-Tryke" adapted bicycles

National Geographic viennent faire un reportage chez GBY SA - GBY SWISS

National Geographic reports on the bicycle for people with reduced mobility at GBY SA



GBY SA remporte le prix de l'innovation Fribourg avec son vélo Go-Tryke - GBY SWISS

Friborg innovation prize competition and postponed to 2021 due to Covid-19. GBY wins the competition with its Go-Tryke adapted bike, Start-Up category!

Développement de la méthode de réhabilitation GBY SA - GBY SWISS

At the end of 2020, decision to develop the rehabilitation method based on the GBY movement.



Lancement d'un projet innosuisse de mesures appelé IXES avec le Go-Tryke - GBY SWISS

Start of the innosuisse iXES project for on-board measurement and stimulation on the Go-Tryke adapted bike. A collaborative work between GBY and the RehaLab of the BFH.

Ouverture du laboratoire SCI-Mobility à Bienne de Sebastian Tobler - GBY SWISS

Fitting out of the SCI-Mobility Lab at the Bernese University of Applied Sciences (BFH) in Biel. A laboratory dedicated to the mobility of people with disabilities.



Vente de la deuxième série de Go-Tryke - GBY SWISS

Start of sales of the second series of PMR Go-Tryke bikes.

Premiers pas dans la nature de Sebastian Tobler grâce à la méthode GBY SA - GBY SWISS

Sebastian walks for the first time in the forest thanks to the rehabilitation method and his Go-Tryke adapted arms and legs bike.



Etude clinique sur le Go-Tryke avec la fondation suisse pour paraplégique à Notwill - GBY SWISS

Launch of a clinical study for Swiss paraplegic research with 25 people who will ride a Go-Tryke bike for 6 weeks.

Suite à venir avec GBY SA et ses différents partenaires - GBY SWISS

To be continued...



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08:30 - 12:00 / 14:00 - 17:30


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