From athlete to disabled person, to businessman.
From the accident, through the first prototype made in a storage, to the creation of the GBY SA company with its mass production, you are in the right place to find out about our incredible story.
If you are on this page, don't hesitate to come and visit us at our premises. It's always a pleasure to share and exchange with new people.

31.07.2013, Sebastian falls while mountain biking. Medical diagnosis: incomplete quadriplegic, C6-C7.

6 weeks after the accident, the first project work was given to the students.

First laps of the PRM bike prototype.

Start of the on-board electrical stimulation (FES) project with Professor Dr. Kenneth Hunt of BFH-Ti
Start of the innosuisse iXES project for on-board measurement and stimulation on the Go-Tryke adapted bike. A collaborative work between GBY and the RehaLab of the BFH.
Fitting out of the SCI-Mobility Lab at the Bernese University of Applied Sciences (BFH) in Biel. A laboratory dedicated to the mobility of people with disabilities.

Launch of a clinical study for Swiss paraplegic research with 25 people who will ride a Go-Tryke bike for 6 weeks.

To be continued...